<body> My world-

My name is Kelly (Joanne is a fake.) .
I'm from Deyi Secondary School .
Class is 102 .
Seen light from 26June .

Wish upon a STAR.

->Go Deyi Secondary

->Ink Bag
->Own Room
->Play music with my brothers
->Live carefree forever
->Win Vincent!!
->New phone
->New headphones
->New Mp3 player

The Past

  • May 2010
  • June 2010
  • July 2010
  • August 2010
  • October 2010
  • November 2010
  • December 2010
  • January 2011
  • April 2011

  • Craps.

    Thanks to.

    layout design, coding, photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Friday, April 15, 2011

    Hello ppl! Im back since long ago!! I just had my SYF like on 13April.. We got bronze...
    On that day did not cried until i got back to class i cried my heart out.. ='(
    anyway i love 1April!!! Its not cause of April fools..
    But u ppl dun have to know! xD
    Anyway, I LOVE MANGO! <3

    Today, i have my sectional dinner.. after my rehearsal for art fest...
    9 of the clarinet section went for DINNER!!
    Jiaxin, Angie, Valerie, Eunice, Serene, Virginia, Shirley and Vanessa
    We had so much fun!! after dinner we had a picture section!!! Thats was damn fun!
    How I wish the time would stop there and never end!!
    i hope we will have an outing ASAP!!
    OMG!! i cant wait!!

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    Has been quite some time since i last blogged... not really in the mood..
    Guess its really time to give up right?
    While looking at him.. his looking at some other girls...
    ah... Forget it... he is juz another passer by... that walks into my life and go..
    this few days a bit busy... Level camp is coming up... which is like tmr.
    and juz ended cca orientation like 8jan?
    nth much about it la...
    and and and !
    i am
    SEC 2!!!!! WHOOO!
    LOL JK not so happy la...

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .

    Thursday, December 16, 2010

    Hehe~ I slow arr... now then blog
    Just came back from overseas like... 13dec...
    HAHA! so happy! i got myself drunk and vomited.. 3times.!
    the feeling sux to the core..
    the trip there wasn't what i wanted to have...
    that was a bit of disappointment here and there...
    damn that 4 kids there...
    If i ever see them again I will make sure they will be very embarrassed
    They think that they out cast me will make me feel bad?
    i make sure i lead a 100% better life =D
    haha... end le la i will try to up load the photos...(dun think i will)
    haha ends! byes =DDD

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .

    Friday, December 3, 2010

    Yoyoyo!!! I'm back~~! HAHA
    sorry hyperactive.. OMG I hate 9dec! Wanna know why?
    Cuz he is going overseas... for like 11days.. and I will miss him like hell...
    I also very long never see him le..
    and, and dun get the wrong idea! He not my stead..
    Is I like him, okay?
    LOL okay byes go play games =D

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .

    Sunday, November 14, 2010

    Hehe.. I'm back! xDD
    I think I will really start living my own life then living for him.
    Just out of the blue he can make me feel so happy in a day..
    Yet on the same day he can make me fell in to hell AGAIN..
    HEHE~ i TRY to blog everyday =D
    HOLIDAY ROX ! \M/ lol JK

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .