<body> My world-

My name is Kelly (Joanne is a fake.) .
I'm from Deyi Secondary School .
Class is 102 .
Seen light from 26June .

Wish upon a STAR.

->Go Deyi Secondary

->Ink Bag
->Own Room
->Play music with my brothers
->Live carefree forever
->Win Vincent!!
->New phone
->New headphones
->New Mp3 player

The Past

  • May 2010
  • June 2010
  • July 2010
  • August 2010
  • October 2010
  • November 2010
  • December 2010
  • January 2011
  • April 2011

  • Craps.

    Thanks to.

    layout design, coding, photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Wednesday, May 19, 2010

    Today have UDC then after UDC have dance but dun want go soo marie say all dun go la dun go! She hor then go class say!!! XD some more mr neo there then he dun care… then go staff room find him play basketball then he lend de ball le hor we play lor the marie call many people dun go dance leh then really all dun want go then we play play play play play very long then the ball hit Pauline 3 time on the head and 1 time on her nose plus before playing hor she hit her head. A total of 4 times. Then we play le hor dun know who take the ball then me and maire resting ma we chat chat chat the go back hor the ball gone then they say the ball mr neo take… then sian lor but scared ppl have go dance we never go so marie call ron ask he at where the playing soccer… then marie say go find him… then go lor then raining… they still playing so…. Never mind then they go le hor we go AMK hub go walk walk… the still thinking of reasons to lie why we never go dance… then now at night people telling us only 13 people go for dance 13 OUT OF 39 we are so dead .. end here le la dun want say le tmr tell u what happen to be continued

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .

    Tuesday, May 18, 2010

    Today go Chinatown and kampong glam... So boring go there dun know how many times le.
    then never mind la then end le hor pepople asking have dance a not? then i say hava ba... the some say dun have go ask teacher lor then say change.... then in the end have to go for band. then pauline and marie dun want go. then i want to go but si lei also dun wanna go left me and the bitchy lai. so i was like pauline go la go leh. Then pauline and the bitchy lai have want to choose  the sports for the UDC then saw mrs chee. Than out of the blue all run to her.say their head spinning dun want to go band. then mre chee say never mind de la just go la. the she ask have lunch already? then we say dun have then she let us go eat le then go band. then before we go eat hor pauline and the bitchy lai have to choose lor go faster go choose then faster eat the faster go up the i unlucky lor have to train wif the bitchy lai then she kept talking to me damn irritating really want to scold her lor but in band room. then all the way like that lor. after band hor waiting for pauline there was birthday girl standing in front of me ma then hor people pour water on her *SHOCK* then marie oso pour on me then before that i tot she dun dare then SHE POUR!!!! the i oso want to pour on her but then dun dare XD then in the end i still get chase by her .... what is this ..... lol end le la dun see XD

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .

    Monday, May 17, 2010

    Today go school check math paper 1 and 2 then after school go find Mr Neo borrow basketball then go had our lunch with pauline marie and shun ting. Shun ting have CCA at dun know what time the n marie have to go home at 3pm... so faster eat go netball court. Reach there, saw many people dun dare go play.. so stay at one side like nerds lor. so paulie say go the nets at the side of the court play la the play lor if not like a group if dumb asses at the side... the play play play marie take the ball go talk to her friend so pauline go take the ball back play.. so me an pauline there play play and marie and shun ting there talk talk... then shun ting tell us maire's friend call us. the talk about the si bai ka the things.. the some more very hot talk under the sun. the she go le hor the go play again the shun ting go for CCA  then me ,pauline and maire play somemore ... Then dun know which idiot dun know is marie or pauline throw the ball at me the hit my finger.... VERY PAIN LOR! then juat play play play then marie go le. left me and pauline. the AiQin come play with us lor so fun. but i sure not playing de so pain. some more me and pauline saw soccer people ma ... she ask me he there a not then i say i dun think so ba cause just now in class he dun know talk to who i think he not there. then saw them run pass.. the pauline say HE THERE LA ! then i ... know la! then Mr Neo on duty with his NCC so sian only two people playing. then i keep asking pauline where is his lor i cannot see ma too far. then she very piss.. lol then after very long hor he go le ... shun ting oso come le the Mr Neo also come play with us le . then shun ting dun know do what hor make pauline laugh so hard hor the water she drink hor come out of her mouth so funny ! the Mr Neo the act act de hor say her very nub very nub then play like dun know what ar. so pro. cannot play with him XD Btw that is about all.. 
    End ? lol so lame XD

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .

    Saturday, May 15, 2010

    Weeee!!!~~ My mum finally made sushi~~ I had been waiting for a very long time for it!
    My brother went back camp already...Before he go still order KFC (so rich) some more have sushi... I very full lor cannot even eat 1 piece of chicken... And I was force to go buy drink... My brother have to go back so fast... Whenever he comes back time seems to go faster then ever... And i could hardly have a good chat with him mostly is only a few words... Well, he just came back yesterday and going back today... and he is going overseas for his training... And he have to live in a deep forest for 9 days and have to walk out on their own... He will only be given 2 1.5l bottle and 90 pills (pills are to put in dirty water and make it drinkable) and food enough for 2 days... i heard that a person die AFTER walking out of the forest... I really hope he will be fine after the camp... And he is not coming back for 1 month... a totally of 8 days  not coming back home... 
    He is coming back on Friday and leaving on Sunday if I never remember wrongly but never mind as long he will be home...  

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .

    Hey people?
    First time blogging rather old for the first time I think? But never mind right?
    Well I had just finish my exams... Sure going fail like hell going to die I think...But i believe i wouldn't pass...(no point saying it)
    I failed History, and English I am so dead! XD
    Left math HOPE I pass so it wouldn't be that BAD...
    Well, this is what happen this few days... but there is one person i will never forget wherever i am(kinda)... Well no about friendship and all that but is the first person i could hardly get him off my mind hope i could forget him as soon as i can.. It happen since i day i saw him i think .....

    For Yesterday's Memories , Today's love And Tomorrow's Dreams .